ATLAS Ein-Ausfuhranmeldungen Bundesweit, bei jede Zollstelle Deutschland Декларироваяие экспорта-импорта во всех таможенных постах Германии
ATLAS  Ein-Ausfuhranmeldungen Bundesweit, bei jede Zollstelle DeutschlandДекларироваяие экспорта-импорта во всех таможенных постах Германии


When submitting the EUR.1 Document in the destination country, the Purchaser is entitled to receive reduction or even exemption of the payment of customs duties on customs clearance of the imported goods.


The issuance of the EUR.1 has to be carried out by the responsible Customs Office in the exporting country by submission of a vendor's declaration corresponding or a long-term Supplier's Declaration, as confirmation of the arrival of the goods in Europe.


On the presentation of the Export Declarations we will issue both TIR Carnet - electronic (ATLAS) and booklet MDP.

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